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The blog explains a portion of the outstanding new highlights in Odoo 13 and enhancements over the current ones.

New Modules & Features 

Skill Management

  • Based upon the current representative module to improve the work process of the worker the board in your association with Odoo 13.

  • The module enables you to oversee Manage the aptitudes, resume of your workers. Instructional meetings, and so forth at one spot.

Skill Management In Odoo


This module in Odoo ERP gives a chance to making courses on the web, further empowering the guests to join and finish their course as per the principles designed while making the course.

This module additionally gives a fascinating dashboard to the client who is right now signed into the site, demonstrating a few subtleties, for example, It will show status of the courses i.e Course join date, Rank, Profile data etc

eLearning In Odoo
Courses In Odoo
Courses In Odoo

SMS Marketing

Utilizing SMS Marketing as a major aspect of my correspondence systems can enable me to grow my business sectors, taking into account that in certain nations messages are not utilized or utilized by any stretch of the imagination. It additionally helps my transformation rate, as this procedure has a high open rate among individuals who use cell phones - individuals generally don't keep new SMSs!

With Odoo's SMS Marketing application you can design, sort out, calendar and monitor your mailings with its simple to utilize interface.

SMS Marketing In Odoo

Enterprise Version Features

Field Service Management

Field Service Management (FSM) organizes organization assets utilized at, or in transit to, customer destinations, as opposed to on the organization's premises. FSM most ordinarily alludes to organizations who need to oversee establishment, administration or fixes of frameworks or gear.

Field Service Management

Referral App

Odoo 13 has thought of a simple method to source more continues, locate the best ability, and fabricate a fruitful business culture with the HR referral application. It empowers you to allude your companions and procure compensations for your great referral or when the organization contracts the individual your alluded.

Best of all, Odoo has gamified the whole procedure. They feel that referral assumes a significant job with regards to contracting the most ideal ability and furthermore the procedure ought to be fun and inspiring for the present workers.

Everything begins with a window where the administrator can devise his own procedure to gamify the referral procedure. Odoo has given us a case of how the referral procedure can be gamified. They have played with the words where they state that villians are prowling the city and requesting that the representatives enlist a group of superheroes to make all the difference for them.

Referrals In Odoo
Referrals Analysis
Referrals Dashboard

 Approval App

  • Employee can raise requests of expenses i.e Business Trip, Car Rental, Procurement online and submit for manager’s or accountant’s approval.

  • Select the person who needs to approve each request raised by Employee, even if it is not the manager.

  • Select both accountant’s and manager’s approval for any kind of requests.

Approvals In Odoo

Employee Presence Control

This module will automatically be able to detect whether an employee is present or  absent  based on their activity.

In Odoo v12 module “Leave”, It has been renamed with “Time Off” and there is facility to set up automatic message like “Out Of Office” when you take “Time Off”

Time Off In Odoo

  Rental Management  

This module will help you to create rental order, schedule, deliver, return, and invoice from one single view only.
You can get all the necessary information from rental order.

Rental Management In Odoo

      New Widgets

      Date Range 

      This widget provide select between two date-time.

      Date Range Widget

      Font Selection  

      This widget use in document layout here user can select font type for documents.

      You can edit document layout from web.

      Report Layout


      This widget use for multiple purpose archive or on state of record.

      Ribbon Widget

      Improvements in Odoo 13

      Sales Coupons & Promotions Module

      Promoting and providing discounts on your store is now easier because the earlier Odoo enterprise exclusive- ‘Sales Coupons and Promotions Module’ is now available for Odoo community version in Odoo 13 as a new feature.

      Sales Coupons And Promotions

      Website Form Builder

      Website form builder now available for community version,it enables you to make Various site structures, which can be utilized for contact structures and furthermore assemble client data.

      Website From Builder

      Using side panel user can add existing fields/custom field to form and set attributes on fields.

      Website From Builder

      Video For Product on website

      User can add product video for website.videos to the product page to provide more product information to the customers

      Product Video In Website

      ”Buy Now” Button in Ecommerce

      Some may state, this was long late in Odoo. The 'Buy Now' button is one of the most anticipated new highlights in Odoo 13. It takes you straightforwardly from the item page to the Checkout page with the item in the cart.

      Odoo eCommerce

      List view Editable

      User can visible field is list view from view.

      List View Editable

      Restrict available product categories in POS

      User can restrict some category which is not for POS

      Restrict Product For POS

      Changes in Odoo 13

        • Partner Map View

        • Binary fields will be stored as attachments by default

        • No more support for @api.one  from Odoo13

        • Update jQuery from version 1.11 to 3.x.

        • Javascript framework change.

        • Graph/chart using chart.js

        • Enable terms & conditions in Odoo eCommerce

        • Product grid configurator

        • Timesheet is added to the portal

        • Settings Dashboard removed

        • Option for applying Coupons, Promotions, and Shipping in the sales

        • Option for displaying lot/serial number of the product in invoices or delivery slips

        • Preference changed to “My Profile”

        • Discussion gets a history button.

        • Creation of employee from the user

        • An option for attachment is added in the website chatter

        • “Is a Customer” and “Is a Vendor” fields are removed. Now a contact will define both customer and vendor by default.

        • Payroll Module removed from community

        Module Removed

        • account_voucher (merged into account)

        • crm_phone_validation (merged into crm)

        • crm_reveal (renamed to crm_iap_lead_website)

        • decimal_precision (merged into base)

        • delivery_hs_code (merged into delivery)

        • document (renamed to attachment_indexation)

        • hr_payroll (moved to enterprise)

        • hw_scanner (merged into hw_drivers)

        • mrp_byproduct (merged into mrp)

        • survey_crm (merged into survey)

        • web_settings_dashboard (merged into base_setup)

        • website_crm_phone_validation (merged into website_crm)

        • website_form_editor (merged into website_editor)[was moved from enterprise]

        • website_survey (merged into survey)

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