• Welcome to Odoo Professional Consulting Agency
This blog is related to widget list used in Odoo 13.0 that will make our development very easy, extensible and useful.  Here we have mentioned the widgets and their description along with their respective screen-shots. 


Widget : statusbar 

Module : Web 

Field Type : Selection 


Odoo • Text and Image


Odoo • Text and Image

Widget : url

Convert char fields to clickable as URL

Module : Web 

Field Type : Char 



Widget : radio

Convert "selection" field into Radio type

Module : Web 

Field Type : Selection


Odoo • Text and Image


Odoo • Text and Image

Widget : upgrade_boolean

Popup to upgrade to enterprise on any feature's Boolean tick

Module : Web 

Field Type : Boolean



Widget : statinfo

Renders the field value using the StatInfo template. The text part of the widget is either the string attribute of this node in the view or the label of the field itself if no string attribute is given.

Module : Web 

Field Type : Integer, Float


Odoo • Text and Image


Odoo • Text and Image

Widget : res_partner_many2one

Auto search on internet for company with given name

Module : partner_autocomplete

Field Type : many2one (res.partner)



Widget : section_and_note_one2many

Add section and notes on one2many line

Module : account

Field Type : one2many


Odoo • Text and Image


Odoo • Text and Image

Widget : handle

Displays a handle to modify the sequence.

Module : web

Field Type : Integer



Widget : section_and_note_text

Used for section_and_note_one2many

Module : account

Field Type : char,text


Odoo • Text and Image


Odoo • Text and Image

Widget : many2manyattendee

This widget is model dependent (rpc on res.partner)

Module : calendar

Field Type : many2many



Widget : many2many_checkboxes

Display checkbox for many2many fields

Module : web

Field Type : many2many


Odoo • Text and Image


Odoo • Text and Image

Widget : many2many_tags_avatar

Display avatar for many2many fields in calendar views

Module : web

Field Type : many2many



Widget : float_time

Allow to enter time in HH:MM format

Module : web

Field Type : Float


Odoo • Text and Image


Odoo • Text and Image

Widget : one2many

Display data with tree view

Module : web

Field Type : one2many



Widget : website_publish_button

Allow to publish on website

Module : website

Field Type : boolean


Odoo • Text and Image


Odoo • Text and Image

Widget : priority

Allow to publish on website

Module : web

Field Type : selection



Widget : email

Allow to send mail from system configured email account

Module : web

Field Type : char


Odoo • Text and Image


Odoo • Text and Image

Widget : phone

Allow to make a phone and send sms

Module : web

Field Type : char



Widget : selection

Allow selection option for many2one field

Module : web

Field Type : many2one


Odoo • Text and Image


<img src="/web/image/1299/website_redirect_button.png?access_token=b8ea058a-d5ed-4850-8c39-0ff99b21e42e" class="img img-fluid mx-auto" alt="Odoo • Text and Image" data-original-title="" tit
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7 Things to know before Odoo Migration