click to configuration and click to Invoice approval configuration menu under the Approvals Section.
Fill the all fields regarding approvals and the hit the save button.
We will create the invoice with "John" user.
Now login with "john" and create SO according to approval configuration's product,prodcut category,amount and customer and validate the delivery order.
and click to create invoice.
Now you will find new status bar with Pre Approve state.
this invoice is under match the all criteria of approval configuration so that if user confirm invoice it will go to the approve first
for the appropriate approvers.
After click to confirm invoice will be set to the Pre Approve status.
Note : This approval request is made by JOHN user.
If john is validate the invoice before getting approval.
then this validation message will be displayed to the screen.
Now login with admin goto settings > technical > emails.
You will find one mail regarding this approval request.
This mail is sended only on approvers email address with the invoice detail and its link.
After clicking view invoice button.
screen will be redirect to that invoice and you will find a Approve button
After click to Approve button, button will be disappear.
and now this invoice is approved.
Now admin can also validate this from clicking validate button or John can also do same.
After click to validate button, with login john.
invoice will be in posted status.